Brothers & Sisters in Christ/Family & Friends,
May the love of God be with you and may Jesus reveal Himself to you all, since Jesus is the great treasure more than any other reward we wait for to have in heaven and in the millenium here on this earth and then when all is perfect in the new heavens and on the new earth where we will reign with Jesus and be before His throne and the throne of His Father forever. Yes, Jesus is the greatest part of the treasure we look forward to having forever. Whatever mansions and rewards we may look forward to receiving, these are all insignificant in comparison to being in the presence of Jesus and His Father forever.
Well, we are still waiting for whatever the Lord wants to do with us. I have put in several applications for positions in the US Embassy or consulates, but so far no door has opened. Whether I worked in the embassy or in a consulate, it would still remove me from Belem to work in a different city. (They closed the consulate in Belem several years ago after the twin towers were destroyed in New York.) But I think the Lord wants us here, and this emptying process I am going through has some divine purpose I can’t see at the moment. I believe the Lord still wants me to come back to the US after a final decision is reached about citizenship, which hopefully will be finalized within the next month or so. But hopefully He will open some door there that will enable us to do what we are called to do here.
As I have been asking for some time, please pray for us to have the right doors open and the right opportunities come so we can see the Lord’s plan realized. This is a time of reestablishing in new directions and moving to a place of better alignment with the Lord’s will. So it will also be a time of reestablishing in the Lord’s will much more precisely when I am there in the US the next time, I believe. So you are friends and family and I ask you for prayer and that we receive wisdom from the Lord for this time of transition. Also, please pray for work/finances to come in the way the Lord wills. I’m not asking for financial support. As I said previously, I removed that possibility from our website, so there is no support coming to us from the US. But the Lord is not limited to support from men to provide for us. It can be a good job here or some blessing that He orchestrates on the next trip to the US or work there, etc. But please pray for that.
As always, thank you all for your prayers and whatever other things you may be doing to help us in our mission.
Be blessed. We love you in Jesus.
Joseph, Cristina & Hadassa
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